Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hope It Comes Soon

So.....I did something today that represents taking a HUGE step in moving forward with my life. And that is.....I got my driver's permit! I am that much closer to getting my licence :) Feels good. I try not to get discouraged about the fact that I'm 23 and I'm just barely learning how to drive. It is what it is and I'm just going to be happy and proud of myself for finally taking the bull by the horns and doing something about it! Driving has been a HUGE issue for me so I'm glad I'm one step closer to being done with the stress, fear, dread and guilt I feel when it comes to DRIVING.
I love, love, love this song! I interpret this song with a great message about moving on, making a change and hoping that it happens soon :)
Well I hope it comes now, I hope it comes soon
Feels like change is coming
(Oh I hope so! "I hope a change is gonna come!")
Well I hope it comes now
Well I hope it comes soon
Well, I think it's about time
I stopped waiting for you, for you
For you
Well I hope it comes soon
You know that there's nowhere else to pass the buck this time
We run every time it's getting rough
'Cause there is nowhere to hide
It's hard just making it by
But I'm tired of toeing the line

Feels like a change is going to come
Feels like a change is going to come

Well I hope it comes now
Well I hope it comes soon
Well I think it's about time
I stopped waiting for you
Well I hope it comes now
Well I hope it comes soon
Well, I think it's about time
Feels like change is coming
Well I hope it comes soon
Stopped waiting for you
Step back and look at where we've ended up this time
Are you satisfied getting by with just enough
Or are you ready to stop trying?
Somehow we've been making it by
But I'm tired of toeing the line
Feels like a change is going to come
Feels like a change is going to come
Well I hope it comes now
Well I hope it comes soon
Well I think it's about time
I stopped waiting for you
Well I hope it comes now
Well I hope it comes soon
Well I think it's about time
Feels like change is coming soon
Well I hope it comes soon
I'm not waiting for you

Feels like a change is going to come (feels like change is coming)
Feels like a change is going to come (feels like change is coming)
I hope a change is going to come (feels like change is coming soon)
What'cha going to do? (soon)
Well I hope it comes soon
I'm not waiting for you

Well I hope it comes now
Well I hope it comes soon
Well I think it's about time
Feel like change is coming
Well I hope it comes soon
I'm not waiting for you
Feels like change is coming, feels like change is coming soon 
Well I hope it comes soon
I'm not waiting for you
What'cha going to do
Feels like change is coming, feels like change is coming soon           
Well I hope it comes soon
I'm not waiting for you
What'cha going to do
Feels like change is coming, feels like change is coming soon           
Well I hope it comes soon
Feels like change is coming soon
Feels like change is coming, feels like change is coming soon
I stopped waiting for you, for you

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