Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentines Tay ;)

Long time no post! Hope you're 2017 is going beautifully!
My Valentine's day was so wonderful! I got to spend it serving those I love most, my family :) And the way I express my love best is through cooking and baking so I that's what I did a lot of today (heart shaped cinnamon french toast, heart shaped watermelon, heart shaped homemade pizza, strawberry Jell-O, sugar cookies with cherry frosting and heart shaped rice krispie treats with pink white chocolate). I was also given sweet Valentine's from friends and family that reminded me of how truly loved I am.
And since this is a blog dedicated to Hanson, I have to share my favorite Hanson love song of 2017 (so far)....
I have been obsessed with this song since I first heard it performed live (via a live stream) at Hanson Day 2016. It's so cute! And Taylor's voice is just gorgeous! One of my favorite male voices in the world!
A few honorable mentions:
Save Me - this live version in particular gives me chills. Not only because of the incredible audience reaction/participation but because of Taylor's passion.
Crazy Beautiful - This is my favorite version/performance of this song.
Lost Without You - Sorry for the overload of videos but this is probably my absolute favorite Hanson love song....ever! It's so romantic and I'm obsessed with some of the lyrics in this song: "I'm gonna take this moment and chase this fear right out of me. Come what may, I will have no regrets after today." "The Unexpected Beautiful, I'm about to admit I've been longing for." They just kill me! And again, it's Taylor. He does everything perfectly!
Incredible live version! Man, this would be so fun to hear performed this well live!!
Because it's raw yet rockin' yet beautiful all at the same time <3
Brazil is the place to be to see a Hanson concert!! The fan reaction is insane!! I want to see Hanson live in Brazil with Brazilian fans, they know what's up! Plus, I just love hearing this song as a solo with just the piano.
Taylor Hanson's got me like.....

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