Thursday, December 7, 2017

Happy Christmas

This song is so cute! It features their children and for some reason the sound of this song, be it the children's voices or the old "record" sounding sound (haha), it reminds me of John Lennon's Happy X-Mas (War is Over). It's such a sweet song and captures the feeling of Christmas in it's simplicity and purity. It's short and sweet and makes you feel like a kid again! Also, in the video below Taylor says "Think of it like a Muppet song, just like, sing it out obnoxiously!" YES!! This song totally makes me think of the Muppet's too! I love, love, love that Taylor said that!!

You don't get to hear the children in this live version (obviously). But I like how is sounds with the boys and the crowd, super festive and fun! Also, how proud are we of Ike on the drums!?!

So happy Christmas
So happy Christmas
I love you all over again

It may be years before you will ever know it
The greatest Christmas gift is love
In all the ways we show it

Like every springtime shower
And those long days of summer
As fall brings change of color
remember, I love you all over again

So happy Christmas
So happy Christmas
I love you all over again
So happy Christmas
So happy Christmas
I love you all over again


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