Saturday, May 19, 2018

Hanson Day 2018 Re-Cap

I was able to watch the Hanson Day 2018 State of the Band and Concert.

The State of the Band was great! I loved getting to hear more about String Theory. Hanson is awesome! They are so creative and continue to push themselves to do new things. You'd think after 26 years as a band, they'd be tired. But not Hanson, they are creative and motivated and I love that about them! I am so inspired by their genuine love for what they do and how they are always willing to take risks and try new things. I'm really looking forward to their String Theory tour and I have my fingers crossed that their coming to my state (I feel like my state has a pretty decent orchestra so....)!! I definitely want to see this show! They sounded so excited about the project and even stated they feel like this is going to be one of the biggest and best shows they've done! Their also releasing new music!!

I have to be honest about the concert.....I didn't love it. In the past, I always have. This year, I don't know why but it just.....wasn't.....that.....great. I'm not sure how I feel about the new EP either. My favorite song was definitely "Young & Dumb" (the ONLY Taylor lead! What!?). Zac lost his voice and no offense, but you could tell. I mean, I definitely give him props for going through with the concert, but it was a little rough. He did do a good job all things considered. I also have to say that I was disappointed he used the "F word" during "I Don't Want to Go Home." I was so excited for that song and I was a little shocked when he dropped that explicit word. It kind of ruined the song for me.

The stand out from the concert was Taylor playing "Never Let Go." I had totally forgotten about that beautiful song! I literally go chills! I also loved that they played "Somebody That Wants to Love You" and "Stop Me in My Tracks." "Where's the Love" was a ton of fun!

I have to say, Ike was on his game tonight though! I thought he nailed his songs vocally, Taylor was good too but I could tell he wasn't quite on. Isaac sounded so strong and just....really good.

Overall, I'd probably give the concert 3/5 stars. Sorry Hanson! I still love you!!

After watching tonight, I am really happy I got to go to Hanson Day last year as opposed to this year. Last year was perfect in every way. Honestly. I had the best of times. Hanson sounded amazing (I've been watching video footage on my phone from last year!), I loved taking the walk, the concert was FABULOUS, all of the guys killed it in my opinion and the release of the song "I Was Born" just made it feel so exciting! So, even though I was originally pretty bummed about not getting to go this year, I now feel pretty glad that I didn't. I liked last years EP songs way more and Zac didn't lose his voice (or curse).

I made my annual "I Heart Hanson Cookies." They turned out delicious! Not as pretty as last year, but I guess you could say I was going more for taste than looks this year.

Got my baking gear and my baking tunes! It's time to make some cookies, Hanson style!

I didn't get a picture of them frosted unfortunately :(
It was just white frosting but it was Cream Cheese Marshmallow frosting and it was amazing!

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