Monday, March 2, 2015


There was a recent suicide that happened at the high school two of my siblings attend. My sister (who is a Senior) knew the boy. This has been the 3rd or 4th suicide this school year! Even though I did not personally know this young man or really anything about him it's been affecting me a lot. It's so, so terribly sad! My heart hurts for him and especially for his family. The way my sister described this boy was someone who always had a smile on his face, was kind to everyone he met. He would say "hello" and ask how my sister was every day their Sophomore year because he sat in front of her in one of their classes. She didn't even know him that well, but still she noticed that he was a kind person. It's scary that someone who seemed like "they had it all" were silently suffering. Suffering so tremendously that they didn't think it was worth it anymore. What was going on behind closed doors and when he was alone must have been so, excruciatingly painful.
I wish no one had to feel this way. That they're life wasn't worth living. This experience just goes to show that you never know what is going on in the life of another. The best advice I could give that can hopefully prevent things like this from happening is to be kind. Be kind to everyone you meet. Whether they are kind to you or not. Whether you think they are deserving of your time, attention or kindness. No matter what they look like or sound like. Each person is important. Each person has worth. Each person is a child of God and should be treated like one.

This song comes to my mind when I think about the recent suicides (and suicide attempts) that have happened in my area (one young man's name, who took his life back in December, was actually Johnny! Freaky coincidence). This song has a very haunting yet powerful message. The way we treat those around us is so important. One of my favorite lines is "sometimes I wonder, if maybe we're to blame?" How did I treat those around me today? Did I try my best to be kind to all I came in contact with? How did I make them feel?
Dear Amy, see you in September
Hope that you remember me next year
Hey Jamie, you've been a great friend to me
I hope that I'll still see you around here

'Cause I'm looking through the yearbook then I find that empty space
There's a name without a picture, but I can't forget his face

Tell me where did he go, I want to know
Where did Johnny go?
It says, "Picture unavailable" right here
More than sad, it makes me mad to know somebody knows
There's a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?

Poor Katie, she won't even speak his name
None of us will ever be the same
It's quiet in the halls, but I hear echoing off the walls.
The rumors of Johnny's mystery
'Cause I'm looking through the yearbook then I find that empty space
No he never wrote me nothing, but I can't forget his face

Tell me where did he go, I want to know
Where did Johnny go?
It says, "Picture unavailable" right here
More than sad, it makes me mad to know somebody knows
There's a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?

Ohhh. There's a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?
Ohhh. There's a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?

Sometimes I think I hear him calling out my name
Sometimes I wonder if maybe we're to blame

It's been a year now and a lot of things have changed
But I keep thinking about Johnny. I keep turning to that page.

Where did he go I want to know, Where did he go I want to know?
Ohhh. There's a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?
Ohhh. There's a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's so so sad!! I can't even imagine how those people feel to attempt against their own lives ;(((
    You're so right, we need to be kind with everyone. I try my best to be kind everyday, especially with people who doesn't seem to deserve it. They need the most.


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