Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Celebrating Fall!

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day in my corner of the world! It finally feels like FALL is really here! It was crisp and cool, yet sunny! I could have stayed outside all day long.
The little girl I nanny for and I celebrated Fall today. We started the day off with a leaf hunt where we collected TONS of leaves and enjoyed the beauty of the world we live in!
Beautiful Autumn Day!
Pretty leaves
Cool Halloween looking tree!
It looks like a witch hat!
While she was at school I made Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies (these NEVER turn out for me! At least this recipe never seems too. They tasted fine but just looked wrong! These cookies make me think of Fall, that's why I wanted to make them. I started them the night before and today they turned out a little better but not much. They are really thin and spread out and look undercooked),  Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies (these turned out BRILLIANT!!) and Homemade Applesauce!
Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies & Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies
Re-using some decorations....
Penny and Me at the Fall Party!
Not the best looking picture here is some Homemade Applesauce!
 It tasted divine! Like apple pie filling :)
My kitchen smelled divine! Wish I could have captured the smells as much as the sights! My home had the heavenly aroma of pumpkin and cinnamon and apples and FALL! It was scrumptious!
All in all, a really fun FALL filled day! I love this time of year and am so looking forward to the holidays and all the tasty treats I'm planning on whipping up! Hope we don't all end up fat!

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