Thursday, December 3, 2015

Merry Christmas Baby

One of my all-time favorites off of Snowed In! Seriously, Taylor was so talented at such a young age! They all were, but Taylor really shines in this song. Such a fun song!

You know, baby!

Merry Christmas Baby
Merry Christmas baby
Sure did treat me nice
Merry Christmas baby
Sure did treat me nice
Bought me diamond ring for Christmas
I feel like I'm in paradise

Be at my side
I got music on my radio
Feel my vibe
I got music on my radio

I feel like I'm going to kiss you underneath the Mistletoe
Santa's coming down the chimney, half past three
All those pretty presents for my baby and for me

Merry Christmas baby
Sure did treat me nice
Treat me so nice
Bought me all those pretty presents
I feel like I'm in paradise

Merry Christmas girl
Merry Chrismas baby
Merry Chrismas baby

Sure did treat me nice
You know you do
Merry Christmas baby
Sure did treat me nice
I got a lot of those pretty presents
I feel like I'm in paradise

Merry Christmas baby
Merry Christmas baby
I feel like I'm in paradise
In my paradise
Merry Christmas baby

Happy New Year
Merry Christmas baby
Merry Christmas baby
Merry Christmas baby
Merry Christmas baby
Merry Christmas baby

Happy New Year
Couldn't resist posting this cute live version!

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