Monday, May 30, 2016

Let's get LOUD!!!

I have been LOVING watching the Hanson concert stream this past week! I've probably watched little bits of it here and there every day since Wednesday! I love it so much and will be so, so sad when it stops looping.
Anyway, today I officially re-newed my membership (can't believe I'm in my 3rd year!) and my Loud EP will be shipping in June! Can't wait for new Hanson music to listen to on repeat for daaaayzzzz! New Hanson tunes make my ears happy :) I also splurged a little and got myself TWO *NEW* Hanson shirts!! Unfortunately I won't get them until July :( But they're pretty darn cute!
I also really, really want this shirt but right now they only have it in a small.
And then of course I would have to get these darling leggings to go with it!
I LOVE HANSON MERCHANDISE!! I wish I had some cash to burn! They have so much fun stuff but it's all so expensive! :(
Anyway, I've been having a little bit of a hard time with life lately. But as always, Hanson has been there helping me get through it all. I just love and appreciate them so much! They truly bring a smile to my face every single day. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude for these three brothers who make some of the most incredible music I have ever felt. I love that Hanson makes me feel.

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