Wednesday, May 10, 2017


PSA: In exactly ONE WEEK from today I am flying out for HANSON DAY 2017!!!!

Is this real life right now!?! I can't decide how I feel. Sometimes when I think about this amazing adventure I'm very shortly about to embark on I am filled with excitement and anticipation and absolutely CAN NOT WAIT TO GO!!!! But then other times (and unfortunately those "other times" are most of the time) I am filled with dread and anxiety and fear! So much so that I don't even want to go!!

What am I so afraid of?

  • Trying to navigate the airport alone, sitting by strangers, having a layover and switching flights
  • Meeting and SPEAKING to Hanson! I know I'm going to get too awkward and shy and not want to talk and then feel stupid and be upset.
  • And honestly, my sister not appreciating Hanson or enjoying herself.

I really hope that I can relax and calm down. That I can focus on the good and the stay positive. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I know it will be WORTH IT! I know it's going to be a MEMORABLE experience! I CAN DO THIS!!! I am so blessed to have this opportunity!!!


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