About Me

Hello! Thanks for stopping by.
NOTE: I tend to be a very private person when it comes to the internet so that might explain the lack of personal pictures and information about me when it comes to my blog. Maybe someday I'll relax a little bit about that but for now, I hope you enjoy Hanson pictures and videos and quotes from Pinterest :)
Hi! I go by Jess here in internet land. I am 22 years YOUNG! (*UPDATE*9/11/15 - turned 23 years YOUNG! *UPDATE*9/11/16 - turned 24 years YOUNG!) I currently live at home with my family. I am the second of 7 children and I LOVE having a big family! My oldest sister is 26 years old and will be married January 17, 2015! My younger brother (21) attends a near by university and my younger sister (19) will be graduating high school this year and is planning on attending the same university as my brother. I have three more brothers ages 17, 15 and 12. As you can see, I am feeling a little bit like a "late bloomer" here as I do not go to college, I still live at home and I cannot drive (*UPDATE* 9/17/15 - got my driver's permit!) (*UPDATE* 3/15/16 - I GOT MY DRIVER'S LICENSE!!!). I'm hoping to make a lot of big changes this year (while taking small, baby steps) and start really LIVING my life! I long to be free of the fear that holds me back from chasing after my dreams!
I suffer from Social Anxiety disorder. I've had it my entire life. There have been times where I'm doing pretty good and then times when I feel worse. It's something I will probably have to deal with my entire life, but it's something I'm choosing to accept and move forward. I no longer want my SA controlling me, I want to control it!
I work as a nanny and I LOVE it! I love children! I loved growing up with so many younger siblings I could take care of and love on. It is my life's goal to someday marry and start a family of my own. I want to be a mother more than anything. Family is extremely important to me.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as Mormons. My religion and my faith are extremely important to me. It shapes my life, my values and the kind of person I am. If you have any questions regarding my religion feel free to ask!
I love to cook and bake (big food lover here!), read, clean and organize (kind of weird but true), plan parties, do puzzles, take care of children and spend time with my family. I also have a malti-poo dog (12 years old) who I LOVE to death! He is like my baby. I love taking him on walks.
Some of my favorite movies include: the LOTR trilogy, A Walk to Remember, Disney's Peter Pan and Disney films in general. Some of my favorite television shows include: The Biggest Loser, Once Upon A Time, The Pioneer Woman and Cupcake Wars. The Flash (as of summer of 2015 & 2016)
Some of my favorite books: The Book of Mormon, The Hobbit, A Walk to Remember, The Prydain Chronicles, The Book Theif, My Ridiculous Romantic ObsessionsPercy Jackson and the Olympians Series, The Heroes of Olympus series, the Mazerunner series, and many, many more that I just can't seem to think of! I'm always open for good book suggestions. *UPDATE* September 2015 - Edenbrooke *UPDATE* January 2016 - Blackmoore, Anne of Green Gables
And some of my favorite music (I love music!): Hanson (being #1), Jack Johnson, Goo Goo Dolls, Pentatonix, Peter HollensMindy Gledhill, Lindsey Sterling, David Archuleta (gotta support my Mormon musicians ;) and I will admit, I'm a boy band kind of girl :) BSB was a favorite growing up and One Direction aren't horrible in my opinion ;) There's so much more, just can't think of them all! *UPDATE* sometime in August 2015 - MICHAEL JACKSON
If you've read all of this, you are a trooper! Thanks! Feel free to ask me any questions!

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