Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Shout It Out - HAPPY HANSON WEEK 2015!

May 12:
Shout It Out is such a cool, fun album! One of my favorites for sure. They have a couple great songs you can just let loose and dance your heart out too (Thinking Bout Something, Give A Little, Make it out Alive, Waiting For This, And I Waited), some that are heartbreakingly beautiful (Use Me Up, Me, Myself & I), and then the rest that are just awesome! If you couldn't tell, I really love the song Musical Ride :) Hence, the title of my blog. That song is musical genius and perfection wrapped in one! It really portrays the pure love and enjoyment that comes from music. For some reason, this has become my designated "baking album." Many times, whenever I bake (or cook) this album is the one that comes blasting out of my speakers! It's just so much fun and keeps me motivated! My sister and I LOVE Kiss Me When You Come Home and we've both talked about making a music video to that song where we are dancing around in the kitchen, cooking for our men (future boyfriends/husbands), dressed in like 50's attire. When we talk about it (and "practice" it, hahaha) it seems really perfect and cute! When I heard about the MOEY's and saw all the creative videos people were making, I was really wishing that we could have made this one! It will have to wait for next year I suppose....now don't go be stealin' my idea Fansons!!
Hanson - Shout It Out - Fifth Studio Album (June 8, 2010)
Thinkin' Bout Something - Single #1
This picture is too good for words :)
Give A Little - Single #2
Love this acoustic version, so cool!
I love that on this album ALL of the artwork was done by the boys (probably mostly Zac)! They are sooooo talented! They can sing, play, write AND paint! Love them!
I couldn't get a picture of their artwork or find a video to put on my blog :( Click HERE to see Zac working on some of the paintings for Shout It Out. The song playing is called "Marshmallow Lovers" :) It's a silly song the boys wrote a few years back. Love them!
Check out these AWESOME nails!! I wish I was talented enough to pull something like this off!
Here's this fun song that I was talking about above, sooo cute!
Love this!



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