Sunday, December 13, 2015

At Christmas

Another Ike lead but this song seriously gives me chills! Soooooo beautiful! I love it. So sweet and tender. It just makes me want to curl up with a cup of cocoa and sit by the fire with the lights out looking at my Christmas tree glow with all of the presents underneath, surrounded by family as the snow gently falls outside :) Ah. That's Christmas to me.

(Sorry about this weird picture....only video I could find with the song....)

Snows falling down as you step out of your car
Presents in your arms and you've traveled far
Some one opens the door with a smile on there face
And you know you've come to the right place
Family nestled by the fire
Christmas hopes to inspire
Love ones by your side
You know you'll kiss your babies good night

At Christmas, Christmas,
No matter who your are
Where your from
This is where you belong
At Christmas

Memories 'round the Christmas tree
Are the sweetest ones that remain with me
It's a comfort deep inside
Though you can't stop the race of time
To know that Christmas will always be

Family nestled by the fire
Christmas hopes will be inspired
Love ones by your side
You know you'll kiss your baby good night
At Christmas, Christmas,
No matter who your are
Where your from
This is where you belong
At Christmas

Now this is what Christmas means to me
Being together with your family
And the wise men who fallowed that star
To where our baby Jesus lie
Family nestled all around
Baby Jesus asleep so sound
His star shined so bright
On the very first holy night

At Christmas, Christmas,
No matter who your are
Where your from
This is where you belong
At Christmas


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