Saturday, October 1, 2016

Grace Unknown Episode 4: When the World Stands Still

Notes from today's Podcast. I agree with this so much.

When was the last time I was quiet? When was the last time I stopped and just listened?

Quiet the soul. Find peace. Elevate your being.

What happens when all you can hear is your own thoughts?

It is difficult to quiet our internal thoughts. Because they are LOUD!!

Listen to your heart. Listen to your instinct. Listen to the place where courage lives. Don’t listen to the distractions. And the fear.

Make time to be quiet. Breathe deep. Pray. Don’t pray for the things you need. Pray for peace in your heart. Pray for wisdom.

Make time to turn off the phone. The computer. The music.

Turn off your phone from Friday night to Monday morning.

Plan time to get away and be quiet. Where you have space to think. Find a place to go.

Turn off the world. And listen to your heart.

We live in a very loud world and there is great value in peace of mind and heart and soul. And that peace of mind and heart and soul many times needs a peaceful place to recharge.

I wish you great courage. And I wish you peace. And I wish you Grace that is yet Unknown.

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