Sunday, October 2, 2016

Grace Unknown Episode 5: Courage, Integrity, Forgiveness

This is powerful!! Isaac is truly an inspiration and I really admire and appreciate his honesty. Way to go Isaac! Thank you!!

Here are my notes.

What happens when you don’t earn something good?

What happens when you don’t follow through?

Admitting that you were wrong will set you free.

We’re all confronted with mistakes. We all make them.

It doesn’t matter how much courage we think we have or how much integrity we think we have, if we don’t do anything about it, it doesn’t mean jack squat.

Who do I need to forgive? And who do I need to ask forgiveness from?

Write yourself a letter of people you need to forgive.

The hurt, the anger you feel towards someone who wronged you, let it go. And you will be set free.

Do the things that are hard. Ask for forgiveness. And forgive.

I wish you great courage. I wish you integrity. And I wish you Grace that is yet Unknown.

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