Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Grace Unknown Episode 15: Happiness is a Decision

Again. Just what I needed. If Isaac ever decides to retire from being a musician (please don't!) he should be a therapist or counselor. He definietly has a soothing voice that helps relax and calm you down, haha. But really. I think one reason Isaac has been so great at these podcasts is because he is humble. He acknowledges his weaknesses and that he isn't perfect and that he struggles too. He reads and studies and applies information to his life that help him. And then he shares that information with us and we, as Fansons, are so lucky! From someone who struggles with depression on a daily basis it is easy for me to look at the world with bitterness. To focus on things that go wrong. It is easy for me to feel overwhelemd and sad. But if I will conciously choose happiness, choose to be positive and choose to see the good, how much better will my life be!? I'm going to try to do the things Isaac mentioned. I'm going to get that book and read it cover to cover. I'm going to choose happiness.


“We tend to forget that happiness does not come as a result of getting something we do not have but rather by recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” – Fredrick Koeing

What do I have that I am not recognizing and appreciating that I should be recognizing and appreciating?

There is a lot we have to be grateful for. REMEMBER those things! It’s important.

We need to put our troubles in perspective.

Happiness is a decision. It’s not a reaction. It can become that involuntary reaction if we practice it enough.

Book: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

 Force.Yourself.To.Smile. Even when you don’t feel like it.

Act as if you are already happy and that will make you happy.

Action seems to follow feeling. But really, action and feeling go together.

Happiness is a decision to recognize and appreciate what you have.

Choose right now to make a pact with yourself to look at things positively. To appreciate and recognize what you have. Do not dwell on what you have done wrong. Only dwell on what has gone right.

At the beginning of each day write down those things that you have to appreciate. Begin each day knowing you have things to feel good about.

 “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.”  - Ambrose Redmoon

“Happiness is not the absence of fear or sadness. Happiness is the judgement that there is something more important than that sadness and that fear.”

You. YOUR future and your purpose is more important than that fear.

You have a purpose. You were born for a reason.

I wish you happiness. Happiness that defies understanding. I wish you courage to conquer the sadness and the fear that may be troubling you. I wish you the courage to encourage others who might need it. But most of all, no matter what you’re going through, I wish you Grace. Grace that is yet Unknown.

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