Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Grace Unknown Episode 14 - No More Regrets

I know I am months behind on this podcast. After seeing that Isaac just posted a new one a couple days ago reminded me to go get caught up and boy am I glad I did! This podcast spoke directly to me. I live with a lot of regrets. And I find myself getting extremely overwhelmed sometimes because of my past choices and the regrets that have come from those. I will never be able to move forward if I keep living like this. This podcast helped me open my eyes. Helped me to find a little more peace and acceptance of my current situation. And that I no longer need to live with regrets because I can move forward. I love the pact Isaac made with himself: "I will no longer regret. I will leave regret where it belongs, in the past." And then he signed it. I am going to do that same thing!


Each of us has our own unique talents and skills

“Better” is the enemy of done. You see when you have lots of information in your brain you think “Oh. I can do this better.” Well that’s not always the case. Sometimes that “better” is just the enemy of you getting something done.

Awareness of your past and an attempt not to repeat it can make also make way for regret. Make way for fear and for stagnation.

Fear and regret are the enemy of courage as much as they are the enemy of “done.”

“I will no longer regret. I will leave regret where it belongs, in the past.” Sign it!

Regret stops you from having the courage to do the things you need to do, as much as fear does.

There is a positive to regret, as long as it is used properly. And only comes when you make that pact with yourself.

I will not regret not making this decision! I will make this decision and I will move forward, why? Because I will not regret. Even if things don’t go the way I hope they go it will be ok, why? Because I do not regret.

Powerful things will happen because you will be in a mode of acting, deciding and moving forward. Plant extra seeds of courage in you to do what is good and right. To have that positive push to move forward in your life.

We ignore the positive push in our head. We ignore it because we think it’s too difficult and we talk ourselves out of it.

Great things come from that leap of faith that says I will not have the shadow of regret hanging over my head. That fear that is stopping me. I will not regret,  I will move forward in courage. You have that power.

You are as unique as your fingerprint! Your brain is as unique as your fingerprint. No one else was born to do those things for you. Only you can do them

Don’t regret not doing them. Don’t regret moving forward.

Get behind me fear. Get behind me regret, that’s where you belong. Stay there.

I wish you courage. I wish you the strength to no longer regret or be afraid of what you may or may not do, of what the past was or what the future might be. And I wish you Grace that is yet Unknown.

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