Tuesday, October 31, 2017



This year was a pretty laid back Halloween for me. But it was still super fun! I love this time of year and this holiday!

Monday night, we carved our pumpkins :) Our chose to carve mine as Jack Skellington this year to go with my dessert platter ..... see pictures below ;) I'm OBSESSED with how my pumpkin and treats turned out! They make me so happy! I did an AWESOME job on my pumpkin too, I'm SO PROUD! 

I also made these "Caramel Apple Nachos" :) They were delicious! 

That's white chocolate drizzled on top btw....next time I will melt the chips down smoother and maybe cut the hole in the piping bag smaller...


How creepy cool is this!? 

Halloween day, I got myself dressed and ready (no costume for me this year :( After I decided on my Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween theme I thought it would be cute to be Sally. But, I waited too late and the costumes were all sold out :( Bummer! It would have been perfect! So, I wore my new Michael Jackson's Thriller shirt with red pants instead:), I even painted my nails! Then I decided to watch this new Michael Jackson Halloween cartoon special on ABC....it was not what I was expecting....at all! It was basically about these two young adults (I was glad it wasn't children or teenagers!) who end up at this haunted house and go on this "musical adventure" to escape....throughout the show, MJ tunes would randomly start playing in the background but they didn't contribute all that much to the plot/story line. MJ made a small appearance at the end where he was a combination of different characters they picked up along the way.....I know, this isn't making any sense! The show didn't make sense either! I'm glad this isn't something I convinced my brothers to watch with me, they would have HATED it and been so annoyed with me for making them watch!! Haha. It was only slightly worth watching to hear some of lesser known MJ songs being played throughout the show such as Is It Scary? and This Place Hotel. Surprisingly, Thriller wasn't played once (not even just an instrumental version!) throughout the entire show!

After watching that "great, new Halloween classic", I started work on my treats for Halloween night! I baked chocolate cupcakes and made buttercream icing. I made our traditional Jell-O Jigglers :) I also boiled some eggs to make Deviled "Monster Eye Ball" Eggs.

Later that evening, I made a festive Halloween dinner for my family :) We had our annual "Mummy Hot-Dogs", Jell-O jigglers (Orange flavor), Clementine pumpkins (with a celery stem) and veggie tray (where I cut the carrots and left them unpeeled to resemble "Witch Fingers").  

They kinda look like crooked, deformed fingers, right?

Monster Eye balls! I'm happy with how they turned out :)

Throughout the night, while my parents dealt with the trick-or-treaters, I worked on my Jack Skellington cupcakes. I would just like to say, that I FREE-HANDED the eyes, nose and mouth! I love, love, LOVE how they turned out!!

Be prepared for a major Jack cupcake picture overload!

How cool are these cupcake liners!? Don't the totally resemble Jack's spider collar!? 

Added candy corn and some of my Halloween bark for color and added decoration :)

Have to document all the good ones....
Check out this super fun and festive "Halloween candy bark" I made! It turned out delicious!

Our pumpkins looked awesome all night long!

Pumpkin King Jack overload!!

I'm just so proud of how he turned out!


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