Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Happy Fall!

Today is the official first day of fall! And can I just say how excited I am? I love, love, love this time of year! I am so looking forward to the holidays this year, and for me, fall is where they all begin. I am also really looking forward to baking! Baking with Pumpkin :) YUM! I made some Pumpkin Cream Cheese filled bread in honor of this first, beautiful Fall day. To be completely honest it didn't turn out as good as I thought it would. Maybe that's because I cut and served it while it was still warm (the recipe did say to let the bread cool completely). Maybe it will taste better tomorrow morning. Oh well. There will be many more pumpkin recipes to try this upcoming month! I'm excited!
I wish the bread was more of a "pumpkin color" but it looks cool with the cream cheese swirl!
Look how cute Google was today :) I love it!!
I just loved that little squirrel :)

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