Monday, September 28, 2015

Hanson's RNR EP!

I got my Hanson Roots N' Rock n' Roll EP today! I'm so, so excited to listen to it! I'm going to do a little "delayed gratification" and not listen to my new EP until Wednesday morning when I take my walk with my dog. It will just sound that much better! I love having new tunes to listen to on my morning walks, it makes the time pass faster and it just makes it that much more fun to be outside moving my body early in the morning!
I'm especially looking forward to Remember the Time by the King of Pop himself, Mr. Michael Jackson (seriously though, after watching and listening to Hanson's behind the scenes streams of this song, there is no question in my mind that they need to cover more of MJ's songs! Human Nature would be beautiful with Hanson's angelic harmonies, Black or White would be so much fun and Man in the Mirror would be amazing because...well, it's just an awesome song and I love it!). I'm also really excited to have Thinking Out Loud on repeat because, in my opinion, it was sounding almost BETTER than the original (and I'm a BIG fan of the original song so....).

Uploading this little guy to my itunes was my #1 priority after tearing open my package!

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