Saturday, October 31, 2015


"Cause this is THRILLER!! Thriller Night....."
I'm so THRILLED with how my Thriller Themed Halloween went! This has been one of the BEST Halloween's to date for me in a long time! I had so much fun planning and preparing, from my costume to all of the treats I baked! Enjoy the overload of pictures below :)
The Dessert Platter!
I must say, I am extremely pleased with how my "vision of Thriller inspired desserts" turned out! All items below were made from scratch! Except for the frosting on the cupcakes and the items used to decorate :)
The whole set up!
These were incredibly difficult to decorate but soooo worth it! I LOVE how they turned out! Click here for instructions on how to decorate werewolf cupcakes of your own :)
The Werewolf cupcakes were inspired by the beginning of the music video....
When MJ turns into a Werewolf!! 
Michael Jackson's famous Glittery Glove!
Thanks to a fellow Fanson for this idea!
These are Pumpkin Sugar Cookies with Homemade Icing and Silver Glitter Sprinkles.
These cookies are incredibly soft and delicious!
Zombie Michael Jackson! And the Zombie/Graveyard theme in general :)
I love it! 
My Pumpkin!
So happy with how it turned out! I had to create my own template since I couldn't find a good one online. I love it!
My Costume!
I don't typically share pictures of myself online (in such a public forum) but my costume just came together so perfectly, I thought I'd make an exception :) I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!
It truly was a fantastic holiday! The night before I carved pumpkins with 6 of my 7 siblings until 12 in the morning, laughing and joking around and listening to Halloween tunes (Thriller was definitely one of them :) In fact we had to take a break from carving to dance :) I was also baking my Pumpkin Sugar Cookies at the same time so for a little while this was my schedule: gutting my pumpkin, running to take my cookies out of the oven, cutting out some more cookie gloves, putting them in the freezer for 10 minutes, removing the baked cookies off the pan to the cooling rack, gutting my pumpkin a little bit more, taking the cookies out of the freezer and into the oven for 10 minutes and repeat until all cookie dough was used up! Then I was able to create my design and finally carve my pumpkin! It was a BLAST!! It's getting harder and harder to be all together with my siblings, so I really cherish the time I have with them. I spent the majority of Halloween day baking and decorating my cupcakes and cookies. It got a little dramatic in the kitchen (I have got to learn how to use a darn piping bag better! Also, cutting marshmallows and fruit leather is a very sticky and difficult job. So grateful I had my sister there to help me out!). Later that evening after passing out candy to my cute neighborhood kids (I know several children in my neighborhood from nannying, babysitting, teaching them in my church, etc.) we ended the night by eating my Thriller inspired treats while watching THRILLER!! It was amazing!!


  1. There you are, girl!! So pretty!!
    I love your costume and all the treats ypu prepared, you're talented!!

  2. Those werewolf cupcakes are amazing! I really need to practice my decorating skills so that I can attempt something like this. Well done!

    1. Thank you so much! They're pretty tricky but once you get the hang of it it's not so bad. Also I figured out how to correctly use a piping bag so that makes life much easier, lol


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