Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hanson Gratitude Challenge Day 17: Isaac Hanson

Today is Isaac's birthday (see my birthday dedication post here) and in honor of his special day I am spotlighting HIM as the "Hanson realated" thing I am grateful for! Isaac is the oldest of the Hanson brothers and he is so sweet! Isaac has such a HAPPY smile! He really does! You can tell he really loves his brothers. Especially when they were all younger, you could see he was the sweet, protective, caring older brother, always looking out for them. I also noticed he sometimes would be saying something (in an interview) and then Zac (mostly Zac but sometimes Taylor too) would cut him off and start talking and he would just smile, nod and encourage his brother to go ahead. I thought that was soooo sweet! He didn't seem annoyed at all. He always just seems happy and he has a really good sense of style! I love when he wears his suits, very elegan and sophisticated. Also, Isaac's voice? It's swoon worthy! He definitely has that rocker edge and even in his 90's songs, Isaac had an extrmley impressive and mature voice for being so young! I have to admit, I always thought Isaac was kind of the...."awkward" and "nerdy" brother of group. I feel bad saying that! But it's true. But as I've been a fan longer and "gotten to know him better" I can appreciate all of his quirks :) I am grateful for Isaac because without him, it jsut wouldn't be Hanson! He brings a sophisticated, dorky, rocker edge to the group and I love him for it! Happy Birthday Isaac!!
Isaac, Middle of Nowhere
Isaac, This Time Around
Isaac, Underneath
Isaac, The Walk
Isaac, Shout it Out
Isaac, Anthem
Isaac 2015 :)

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