Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Hanson Gratitude Challenge Day 11: Hanson's Twitter ;) And Thank You Veterans!

This is a bit random and silly, but I love how active Hanson is on Twitter! Granted, I don't use Twitter often. In fact, I hardly ever look at it or check it or tweet anything! The whole reason I even created a Twitter account was to follow Hanson! And so I could tweet them questions during their live streams and hope they'd see them and answer them (which they never have...). The only times I ever get on is to check what Hanson has tweeted. I make sure I'm completley up-to-date with them :) I don't even do that with my own sister.....oops! They're basically all I ever "re-tweet." I also try to come up with clever things to say or pictures to post in the hope that they will "re-tweet" me! Or at least "like" something clever I've posted! Alas, nothing like that has yet to happen to me :( Oh well, I'm going to keep trying! I also love how they honor holidays and events. Like today they tweeted: "Thank you so much to all our Veterans and their service. #VeteransDay #GodBless" I'm sure lots of other celebs do that kind of thing too, but it's Hanson so obviously their's is more important and special ;) I am grateful that Hanson's twitter account can help me stay updated on what's going on (Hanson-wise) and keeps me "connected" with them ;) And that I know they DO re-tweet and "like" fans tweets and answer questions so there's still hope for me to be "noticed" by Hanson!! 
Are you following Hanson on Twitter? If not, you should!
I also would like to say THANK YOU to the Veterans of this great country! Thank you for all of your selfless service and sacrfice in our wonderful county's behalf! Your couragesous service deserves to be recognized and honored! I am so grateful to live in a free country and it is thanks to the thousands of  brave Veterans past, present and future! May God Bless you all!!

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