Monday, February 1, 2016

It's All About the LOVE!

Sorry for being so MIA! I hope everyone is off to a great start for the year of 2016!
Without getting too personal, things haven't been going so well for me since the year began. But, it's a brand new month and I'm looking at it as a fresh start! And with February being the official "month of love" I have decided it's time for another challenge here at the "Musical Ride!" I will be posting one Hanson love song EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. in February! I'm sure this will be a fun challenge, considering Hanson has so many beautiful love songs!
I am a hopeless romantic. I absolutely adore love. I don't have any experience with that romantic kind of love.....yet. It can make February and Valentine's Day difficult sometimes. Year after year being that single girl. Never receiving flowers or chocolates or going out to a nice dinner with your special someone. I live my romantic fantasies through books and movies right now (and watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette....I want a Ben!). But the idea is so beautiful to me and I know there is someone special out there for me. I just have to be patient. He will be worth the wait. And I can only hope I luck out and get someone as great as one of the Hanson boys ;) But just because I'm a single lady doesn't mean I don't have any love in my life. At this time of year, I am extra appreciative of the love I do have in my life: my friends, my "kids" and especially my family! I am so grateful for each of these people who hold such special places in my heart and make me feel loved every day!
Ok, enough of the sappiness, let's get started!
For Your Love
I feel like this is the perfect song to kick off this musical "love" challenge with! I absolutely ADORE this beautiful, romantic ballad! It's one of my favorites off of Anthem. We don't get a lot of Isaac-lead songs but when we do, they are usually FANTASTIC! To me, Isaac is a very emotional singer. And I LOVE it! He puts his whole heart into his music and you just sense that immediately! This song is what every girl dreams about. A man who is willing to fight for her and for her love, no matter what! The lyrics just make me melt!
I know I was made to find you
Our fates were always intertwined
You’re the dream I go to
Every time I close my eyes

Like the northern star you guide me
When I journey far from home
And now that I have you beside me
There is no way that I’ll let you go

If you’re lost then I'll find you
And if you ask me
I’ll lay my life down, not for glory
I’m striving for your love
I’m fighting

There are many things to fight for
And castles won by greater men
But you’re the only thing I long for
And your honor I will always defend
If you’re lost then I'll find you
And if you ask me
I’ll lay my life down, not for glory
I’m striving for your love

I’m fighting for your love
I would tear down any wall
And for your love
I’ll turn my back on this world
For your love
Every treasure I’d deny myself
For your love
For your love

If you’re lost then I'll find you
And if you ask me
I’ll lay my life down, not for glory
I’m striving for your love
I’m fighting

If you’re lost then I'll find you
And if you ask me
I’ll lay my life down, not for glory
I’m striving for your love
I’m fighting
Oh, for your love
I’m falling
Every treasure I’ll deny myself
For your love
For your love
I’m fighting
Isaac dedicating this song to his wife is probably the sweetest thing in the world!! What a lucky lady!

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