Sunday, December 20, 2015

My Hanson Christmas Merch!

I love, love, LOVED Hanson's Christmas merch from last year! There was so much and I literally bought EVERYTHING!! It was really my first, true Hanson Christmas and I was just too excited to resist! I love my Christmas merch so much and have been having fun using it this holiday season :) I wore my "Everybody Knows the Claus" apron to make some of Taylor's "Pumpkin Tarts" at the beginning of this holiday season. I've been wearing my Hanson Christmas sweater, it is seriously so comfy and warm! It's amazing and one of my favorite purchases :) My Hanson ornament looks beautiful on my Christmas tree. And I have very much enjoyed rocking out to Snowed In. What a gem! I just love spreading the Hanson love, especially during the holidays!!

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