Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I got my ACTUAL, REAL LIFE, OFFICIAL LICENSE TODAY!!! Wow. What an uphill journey this has been! I can't believe I have finally made it to the top.

After many, many ups and downs throughout this month, I was finally issued my OFFICIAL DRIVER'S LICENSE!!! I AM NOW AN OFFICIALLY LICENSED DRIVER!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! I NEVER THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD COME!!!!

 It's over. My battle with driving has finally come to an end. I know there are still trials ahead. I'm still not the most confident driver. There are still a lot of things I need to work on and improve. But, all of my fears about driving and my age, have now come to an end. It was a long, hard uphill battle. And now, it's finally reached it's climax. The conclusion will be when I am driving more confidently. But the worst is finally over!

It still hasn't fully hit me yet though. Which is strange. I am overwhelmingly relived to have this over with but I'm not feeling as excited as I should be.....I think once I actually start driving myself around, then it will really hit me! The unfortunate thing is I still don't feel comfortable/confident enough to do that....once I start doing that though, it will all probably hit me and I'll cry tears of joy! It's OVER. The battle has been WON. I can now be at peace. I have a driver's license. I can drive.

May my life now truly begin....

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