Friday, May 6, 2016



I can't believe Hanson has been around for 19 YEARS!! And they just keep getting better!!

I am so grateful I found Hanson. My life would be missing so much joy, laughter, music, inspiration and fun!! Hanson is truly a treasure and a blessing in my life!
Get ready for a plethora of pictures!* I just love these talented brothers!!!
You could say they've been doing this singing thing for a while.....
Sooooo darling!
Album #1 - Middle of Nowhere (1997)
Album #2 - This Time Around (2000)
Album #3 - Underneath (2004)
Album #4 - The Walk (2007)
Album #5 - Shout It Out (2010)
Album #6 - Anthem (2013)
Making of 2014 Members EP - Music Made for Humans
Making of 2015 Members EP - Inside the Box 
Making of 2016 Members EP - Loud!
"I feel like this is something they'd say in Dragon Ball Z - KAZOO!!" - Zac Hanson
One of my favorite moments from the 2016 "Making of" streams!
Pan Pipes!!
Love his smile :D
*All photos are from

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