Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Grace Unknown Episode 1: First Courage

Wow. That's all I can say. I know I'm literally months behind on the Grace Unknown podcast series Isaac started on the Hnet blog but I am so happy that I am finally taking some time to listen and get caught up! I just finished listening to the first one and it touched me so deeply. Isaac did such a beautiful job! There need to be more people like him in the world, it would be a better place. It was so sincere and sweet and tender. Isaac's words of positivity and courage and believing in who you are were just what I needed to hear! Life has been extremely difficult for me these past several months. I deal with anxiety and depression on a daily basis and have been dealing with these mental illnesses for years. Lately, I feel I have been at my worst, ever. I have wanted so badly to overcome and move forward with my life but it's excruciatingly hard to find the courage and strength to do so. This podcast gave me hope. Motivation. And peace of mind. Isaac, I believe you were truly inspired to start this series! You are going to help so many people who are struggling! You're helping me. And for that, I am incredibly grateful! Keep up the beautiful work and I look forward to listening more!!
I felt impressed to start taking some "notes" after hearing the opening words. It was amazing! Read them below:
“I believe that you are made for a reason. I believe that you are made perfect, just the way you are.
I believe that there is good in the world and that there is bad in the world and that we must strive to be the good that we want to see in the world around us.
I believe that we must be kind to one another, because we are all in a great battle searching to find the purpose for which we were born to live.
I believe that the greatest of all purposes is love and that love requires sacrifice. Agape: to love another without concern or fear for your own well-being.
I believe that there is a God. And that is why I believe all of those things.” – Isaac Hanson
Book: Zero to One by Peter Thiel
“Brilliant thinking is rare, but courage is in even shorter supply than genius.” – Peter Thiel
Courage is the key to good things. Courage is hard.
Be the greatest version of yourself that you can be.
Courage is taught. Integrity is taught. And both are in vain if you do nothing.
You have a purpose. You were born for a reason. You were made perfectly and beautifully just the way you are.
Do it.
You must do something about it.
Go out there and make good in the world. Because the world needs a lot of good.
No one else can do what you can do for others.

I wish you courage. And I wish you Grace that is yet Unknown.
*I looked up the meaning of Agape: is "love: the highest form of love, charity; the love of God for man and of man for God." Not to be confused with "philēo" – brotherly love – agápē embraces a universal, unconditional love that transcends, that serves regardless of circumstances.

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