Sunday, September 11, 2016

It's My Birthday!!

It's my birthday! And today has been a truly HAPPY day!
I normally dread my birthday. I hate having attention on me. I hate trying to express my gratitude when receiving gifts (I really am grateful, I'm just really terrible at expressing myself and sounding genuine!! I worry people think I'm ungrateful because of it) and I hate getting older!! Haha. But really, no more growing up!! I'm done getting old.
But this year, it was different. And maybe that's because it was on a Sunday and so things were more low-key. But I truly felt really happy and extremely blessed and grateful. I received wonderful gifts and got to eat delicious cake and ice-cream :) That's the most important part of birthdays ;) I feel overwhelmed with love and gratitude from my family and I know I'm so lucky to have them. Each and every one of them. I love them!!
Oh and Hanson is thee best. They send birthday emails to their fan members :) So sweet. So fun.

Song: Stop Me in My Tracks
I'm obsessed with this adorable song! Surprised someone posted it on youtube considering it's a fan club member song but now I can share it's amazingness with those who might not be members and they need to hear it. It's that good. *sigh* soooooo cute!! Taylor's voice is giving me so many feels! Man, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! You dang right it is, haha. ENJOY!
It's been real. It's been good.
Here's to the best year yet!!

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