Thursday, September 22, 2016

Grace Unknown Episode 2: In Times of Growth

Wow. These just keep getting better and better!! I cannot believe how perfect these podcasts have been for my current personal situation. Especially this one. I can relate a lot. Change is so hard for me. But I know I have so many changes I need to make. And when I do, it's going to be difficult. And it's going to be painful. But that will be because I am growing. Right now, my circumstances are also difficult and painful and I know that even now I am growing. I am learning. There will come a point and time that I will look back on this time of my life and be like "Wow. I've learned so much. I'm never going back to that kind of life. But I'm thankful for what I learned during that time. From that pain." Life is hard. But I have to stop resisting the change. The growth. Because that will not make the pain go away. Of that I am certain. I can become better. I can be the person I want to be!!
Here are my notes from today's episode:
Grace Unknown Episode 2 – In Times of Growth
In times of comfort there is little growth. But in times of growth there is little comfort.
Take heart, life is hard. It means you’re growing.
Take comfort, the pain you are feeling right now, is pain from your learning and growing and becoming better.
What is it you’re growing into? What is the pain for?
If you resist pain and growth you will continue to feel that pain over and over again.
There is pain in not growing.
The pain you are going through is OK. It may be awful. This may be the worst day of your life. This may be the time in your life that you have been dreading. But it’s OK. It is OK. Because you are growing. Use this opportunity to strengthen yourself and fuel your future and future growth. Take the opportunity to use it and help someone else. Help others. And you’ll be helped in return.
 Use the pain to do something.
Do something good for others and the same will happen to you,
Loneliness is the greatest weapon ever used against your well-being.
Being lonely is a win. But not for you. A win for chaos and destruction. A win against you. Someone else is winning.
Loneliness creates a scenario when you don’t go out and do what you need to do.
The only cure for loneliness is action. Going out there and doing something.
Loneliness cripples you and makes you not want to go out there and do something.
Embrace the growth. Who am I growing into?
Be the person you want to admire. You can be that person!!
You don’t have to be a superhero. But you can be a loving, caring, admirable friend. I believe in you.
I wish you growth. And I wish you Grace that is yet Unknown.
It’s a new day. And you’re growing.
Embrace the courage. Embrace the pain. – Isaac Hanson

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