Friday, December 9, 2016

What Christmas Means to Me

It cracks me up that my brother, who is super rude about Hanson all of the time and claims that they aren't that talented or cool or famous and blah blah blah, is jamming out to their Christmas album this year, particularly THIS song! Hahaha. He randomly asked me about it (on Thanksgiving day) and so I showed him the song. He just loves the way Zac sings it with so much energy and passion! Then my brother asks for my CD so he can download it to itunes! My brother is super picky about what music goes on his phone so this was a BIG DEAL people!! Then he tells me the other day "I've been listening to the Hanson Christmas music a lot lately....especially that one song." Hahahaha. I am DYING! This is a MIRACLE!! And I LOVE IT!!! Zac is for sure his favorite and he also likes "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." He goes, "Only a little kid can sing this song that intensely." lol. The funny thing is, my brother is so much like Zac, they would seriously be the best of friends! Zac is into everything my brother is into....same taste in video games, movies, nerd-movies (like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars), games like Risk, drawing and their both hilarious! AND Hanson are the three oldest of 7 kids.....I am the second oldest of seven kids and my brother is the THIRD oldest of 7 kids which would put him in ZAC'S exact position (I get to be Taylor, haha, yay!). It's too much of a coincidence!

Anyway, a year ago TODAY as I was doing my daily Hanson Christmas song posts, this is the song that I had for today (last year) and I thought it was only fitting to honor such a Hanson classic and give a little shout-out to my brother who is slowly becoming a Hanson fan (not really, but kind of)....or at least a Zac fan!

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