Thursday, November 1, 2018

Hanson String Theory Listening Party!

Currently listening to Hanson's premiere of String Theory on! Man I love being a Fanson! They make me so happy! :)

I just hit play on String Theory Part 1 Side A. 

Reaching For the Sky: is BEAUTIFUL! Fills me with hope and inspiration! Gorgeous melody, inspiring lyrics, beautiful instrumentals. It's perfect!

Joyful Noise: So fun with the orchestra! I like it better than the original.

Where's the Love: The beginning gives me chills!! I love the accapella intro and then the strings come in....stunning! And then there is the beautiful orchestra piece near the end that goes straight into the beautiful song If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It. So inspiring! "These are the songs for the world to sing and the stories to show you what you've never seen. This is the line drawn in the sand, that turns a boy into a man."

MMMBop: Wow! MMMBop with the orchestra is actually awesome!! I was wondering what this one would sound like. It still has the peppy, fun tune of the original but with a more elegant, grown up feel. I LOVE it! What a pleasant, fun surprise!

Chasing Down My Dreams: Great song!! Another wonderful, inspiring message of following your dreams and believing in them! Making me feel happy and optimistic :) Catchy song, enhanced by the orchestra.

Love, love, LOVED Part 1, side A!! Now, onto String Theory Part 1: Side B!

Tragic Symphony: That beginning is insane!! Obsessed! And that ending! Awesome! And the transition into You Got A Hold On Me ...... so fun! I love the Latin twist ;) These two songs go so well together; never thought of that before!

Yearbook: Right as this song started I freaked out a little bit inside!! I totally forgot this song was on String Theory! Still as hauntingly beautiful as the original. Chills.

Siren Call: I've listened to this song several times already and it still made me give a little squeal of delight and excitment when those beginning "Oooo-oooo's" began :) The chorus gets me every time!! Ugh. It's so good.

Me, Myself and I: Gorgeous. Heartfelt. Heartbreaking. Beautiful.

Part 1, side B was beautiful! I could definitely feel that transition from the happy, hopeful feeling of side A, to the darker, challenging feelings of side B. Genius. Great choice of songs. I'm living for this album right now! So unique.

Now that I've listened to the String Theory Intermission it's time for String Theory Part 2: Side A.

Reaching For the Sky: This beginning is AMAZING!! The piano is gorgeous! I got chills when Taylor first started singing. "He never gave power to the sound of fear or twist of fate. He didn't care how long it took, I'll still be reaching on my dying day ..... I am reaching for the sky."

This Time Around: So cool! Ultimate fight song! "All I know is that fear has got to go....this time around." My favorite line from this song!

Something Going Round: To me, this song didn't sound that much different from the original .... still a great song but, not as mind blowing as everything else has been. That's OK though, I still like it!

Battle Cry: Another new, uplifting, powerful song! The orchestra sounds great on this one. I love this line: "Be brave, tell them: do your worst!" And the chorus: I've got a battle cry. So you can follow me. Even in darkness I'll never leave your side. I've got a battle cry! I can tell I'll be listening to this song often ... WHOA!! That transition into You Can't Stop Us was SO COOL! I love the orchestra with this song! I like it better than the original! So sick! Isaac SLAYED his solo!

Broken Angel: This song was made for strings. It adds an extra level of emotion. Beautiful.

What Are We Fighting For: Interesting choice. Again, to me, not much different from the original. But, I can see how it fits the story they are telling.

Highlight of Part 2: Side A for me was definitely Battle Cry transitioning into You Can't Stop Us! It was so well done and just flowed so seamlessly!! Such an empowering, strong point in this musical story! Time for the String Theory Part 2: Side B!

Breaktown: I HAVE BEEN WAITING ALL EVENING TO HEAR THIS!!! I want to cry!! This song has always been very emotional and personal to me. Taylor destroyed this song .... and I am using that word in the best way possible! It is MILES ahead of the original and I LOVE the original! Taylor sings with so much emotion and I'm just .... overwhelmed! I will be listening to this on repeat when I get my copy!

No Rest For the Weary: YEEEEESSSS!!! This song is amazing!! I am so happy Hanson is sharing this gem with the world! I was worried the orchestra might take away from or over power the awesomeness of this song but it really worked so well and sounds great! Yesterday was just fine but the future's all I got time for! I need to make this my mantra in life. This song is giving me so much life right now! THAT ENDING THO!!!

I Was Born: I didn't even recognize this song at first!! Whoa! I LOVE this!! This is one of the most inspiring, feel good songs ever and this version is INSANE!! Oh my gosh!! Goosebumps and butterflies and pixie dust and all the good feels in the world are happening in my heart and soul right now! It's almost like, a completely different song but it's not and I am living for this! I love it so, so much!!

Sound Of Light: I thought I Was Born would be the last song. But nope, we get his epicness that is The Sound of Light! I don't own this song (I wasn't a fan-club member when this EP was released .... I didn't even know Hanson existed then! So sad to think there was a time when I lived life without Hanson in it....) but I've heard it (Hanson Day concert) and have always liked it. But this? Wow. This is above and beyond! So awesome!

Tonight: Now I remember! Hanson talked about this during their String Theory docuseries on youtube that this was the closing number. Perfect choice. I've always loved this song. So inspiring. Don't care what's come before, tomorrow's an open door .... say what you mean and mean what you say and tonight! Chase down the dream and don't give up without a fight! And don't wait for tomorrow's daylight cause it just might be tonight! I need this reminder every single day. This makes me emotional. Those last few notes of the ending was absolute perfection! *Isaac just told us during the closing that those last notes of Tonight are the exact same notes as the first song at the very beginning! FULL-CIRCLE MOMENT!! GENIUS!!

Ummmm OK. I need a minute to wrap my mind around what I just heard.

This was EVERYTHING! Wow. I am BLOWN AWAY by String Theory!!! It was better than I even imagined it would be. The arrangements were flawless, the song choices were perfect and the way the music tells the story of life is just incredible. Everyone can relate to the story String Theory presents: We all begin as children. We are unafraid and dare to dream big. We believe that we can do anything! Then, we grow up. We become teenagers ..... and it's awful. Then adulthood. It's still hard. As we grow and change our fears replace the innocence of the belief and faith we once had. We begin to compare ourselves and listen to the world, a world that is constantly telling us how we should look, what we should believe, that we'll never be good enough, etc. Our dreams don't always come true, life doesn't go as planned. There are times we want to give up and give in. But once we discover that something that we can believe in and fight for, we see a light at the end of the tunnel. Our hard work begins to pay off. As we continue to press forward, learn to dream again and do our best we find joy in the journey. We have to get back to the innocence of childhood. We have to believe again.

I wish I was an eloquent writer, but I'm not. I wish I could express my thoughts in a beautiful, poetic way, but this is the best I can do. String Theory is a unique, musical experience that I wish everyone, everywhere could have. It will make you smile, clap your hands, dance and sing. It will make you think deeply and ponder. It will leave you feeling a little sad and anxious at times. But in the end, it takes you back to the joy and excitement of youth! It brings an optimism and excitement for what is to come! That life truly is what you make it, despite your challenges, circumstances and struggles.

Hanson are a HUGE inspiration to me. They inspire me to dream big! They make me want to believe in myself and go after my goals and dreams! And they make me believe that I actually can. They have proven that hard work pays off and success comes in all shapes and sizes. That happiness is found in doing what you love with the people you love. To take the road less traveled. To take risks, because sometimes they pay off. Their positivity and genuine love for what they do are so refreshing and inspiring to see. Their passion helps fuel the fire of my own passions! They fill me with an excitement and optimism that I haven't felt since I was extremely young. They bring out that inner child in me and I am so grateful for that! I limit myself far too often because of my doubts and fears and challenges. Hanson tells me that I can do it! That "I was born to do and go and be" someone unlike anyone has ever been! That I matter and am important and have a place and role in this world. They remind me to "hold onto to the ones who really care" because "in the end they're the only ones there." This has already been a reality check for me. I hope Hanson never, ever stop what they do because my soul feeds off of their passion, creativity and energy! I love them.

I would highly, highly recommend everyone listen to the introduction, intermission and conclusion of the String Theory Listening Party. They explain why they chose certain songs, what String Theory is supposed to represent and say some pretty powerful and profound things that are very inspiring. I hope those are included on the album! I could listen to them all day! They are so positive and uplifting! Such a class act. We need more people like Hanson in the world today. They are so good and honest.

Some quotes from Hanson that really inspired and touched me:

"Finding joy in spite of the challenges as opposed to having no challenges at all. Having despair doesn't mean there is no hope." - Taylor Hanson

"The fear of failure is worth taking on that fear and taking on that fight because that's where courage lives." - Isaac Hanson

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