Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Grace Unknown Episode 7 - Ask More Questions

Today's podcast really makes me think ;) I know for a fact that I tend to over think. It's a real problem for me. My tendency to over think overwhelms me and at times causes me great anxiety and distress.
Check, ALL!
Coincidentally, I am currently over thinking something that should be a seemingly simple and small task. It's also something that is good and kind to do. But for some reason, my mind won't stop coming up with reasons why this might not be the best idea. I want to send a thank you email to someone who has helped me and been an inspiration and friend to me for a long time. I have been putting it off because before I was able to send it I had to meet face-to-face with this person one last time and for some reason I thought it would be better to wait and send it after that meeting was over. I've been re-reading and editing it a million times over. I start to think things like "Is this too long? Too sappy? Too emotional? Will this freak this person out? What if they don't feel the same way? What if they don't like it? It sounds too awkward. I've waited too long." Ugh! It's exhausting being an over thinker!
Um, I've kind of gone off topic now since the main message of the podcast is "Asking more questions." Which is something I need to do. I tend to jump into situations and kind of just hope for the best. I need to study things out more. I need to stop assuming things. I need to ask more questions. And then I need to STOP thinking so much and start DOING. And being more open and honest. That's what I got out of the podcast anyway :)
Notes Below:
“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” – Albert Einstein
“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” – Albert Einstein
Am I addressing my problems from the right level of thinking?
While thinking can be helpful thinking is also what sends us into a downward spiral of frustration, depression and confusion.
Be careful how you address your problems.
What adjustments in thinking do I need to make to solve my problems?
We have to ask questions from a different level of thinking.
Ask more questions.
The people we feel know us the best, are those who ask us the most questions.
If you want to understand others and have others understand you, start asking more questions.
Ask more questions, both of yourself and those around you.
In order to reach a new level of understanding we must first ask the right questions.
I wish your curiosity; I wish you great curiosity and wise questions. And I wish you courage to ask those questions. And I wish you Grace, Grace that is yet Unknown.

Questions to ask myself about my current problem (to send or not to send this thank you email)
  • Is this something nice to do? - Yes! Absolutley.
  • Is this something that will make someone feel uplifted and better about themselves? - I hope so.
  • Is it coming from a place of love and good will? - Yes.
  • Is there any selfish gain you are hoping to recieve? - No. I just want to express appreciation and love. I would also like to have that love reciprocated....is that selfish? I don't think so.

This new way of approaching my problem by asking specific questions is helpful and something I want/need to do more often when I start panicking and stressing about if something is a good idea or not and then completly putting off an oppurtunity to do good.  
*UPDATE* 10/5/16: I sent the emails to the people last night and they LOVED them! Their replies were filled with tender feelings of reciprocated love and sincere appreciation that I took the time to write them my thanks. I feel so good and so happy!! It was well worth it. Now I have a new problem that is causing me to panic and stress and get angry about soooo, I'm going to try this method again!
Questions to ask myself about my current problem
  • Is this something I am capable of doing? - *grudgingly* Yes.
  • Is this something that I have been asked to provide my time, skills and talents too? - *Sigh* Yes.
  • Do other people believe I can do it? - Yes.
  • If you don't accept it, will you go? Be honest. - Probably not.
  • Are you not wanting this because of selfish reasons? - .....YES.
  • Do you have faith you are literally being called to do this? And if you do it with an accepting and willing heart God will help you? - *emotionally* Yes! OK!? Yes!! I do believe that. But I still don't want it!!
  •  If you don't accept the call, what will you do? - I don't know.

    Sorry this is so vague and confusing, but I needed to get my thoughts written down and it's kind of personal/too-long-and-hard-to-explain-here sooooo, yeah. You can just ignore this. It's for my own sanity I suppose, lol. As you can see, I have a long way to go with this one. I wish it was as simple as the first. I'm just going to have to put my trust in God with this one and try to just "go with the flow."

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