Thursday, October 6, 2016

Grace Unknown Episode 9 - A Good Plan Now

How is it that each and every one of these podcasts have seemingly been made just for me!? They literally address each and every difficult trial I am currently facing and give me peace of mind, hope, courage and the desire to face and conquer the challenges of my life! I feel so uplifted and inspired every time I listen to one of these podcasts! My heart is so full of gratitude!!
“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” – George S. Patton
I am a person looking for perfection.
It’s a good plan, but it’s not a perfect plan…. - *THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
There is no perfect plan.
“If you tell people where to go but not how to get there, you’ll be amazed at the results.” – George S. Patton
We have to know where we are going, but it doesn’t necessarily matter how we get there in many cases.
We need to give each other the freedom to make our own choices and decisions.
If you tell people exactly what to do and how to get there, they won’t be able to grow and learn through their own experience.
We have to be willing to make mistakes. And we have to be willing to move on.
We have to err on the side of action.
We have to give others the freedom to err on the side of action.
If I focus on the action and do it now, I will likely be happier than if I waited for perfection.
Do what it is I have to do, to the best of my ability. Not worrying about the perfect plan but worrying about a good plan and doing my best.
I wish you Grace that is yet Unknown.

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