Friday, October 7, 2016

Grace Unknown Episode 10 - Wounded

"Humility and Prayer....I come to you this week "weary from the fight of life", "weary from the fight around us" hoping that "wounded soilders serve best."....Whenever I find myself in a hard place I only know of one place to turn and that is prayer. In my wounded state it is the only place I find true is my refuge in times of trouble. I hope it is of value to your soul, heart and spirit." - Isaac Hanson

By far my favorite podcast to date. I related to everything Isaac said today 110%. I am also wounded. I am currently going through a very difficult and trying time in my life. One where I have found myself on my knees several times a day, crying out in prayer to my God. One that is testing my faith. My hope. One that has been breaking my heart. And when I find myself, crying on my knees in humble prayer, I find peace, even if it's only for a moment. Even if it only helps me get through the night, I feel it. I am so grateful to have a God that I can pray too. I am so grateful to know that He is there. That He hears my prayers. That He knows me and understands me better than anyone ever could. That He loves me with a perfect love. I am so grateful that He is there for me when it feels like I have no one else. Because that is what it has felt like lately. I have no one I can turn to EXCEPT for God. This podcast made me cry. This podcast also gave me peace. I am so grateful that Isaac had the courage to be so open and share this with everyone. That he humbled himself to acknowledge his weakness and that he knows he can't do everything on his own....and that he doesn't have to. I am also grateful to know that. Life is so hard. And I am grateful to know that I'm not alone. That I don't have to do this on my own. I am realizing more and more, especially while in the midst of this challenge, how important humility truly is. How important it is for me to aknowledge God in all things and to realize that His ways are better than mine. He knows what I need. And if I will just humble myself and trust Him, He will lead me where I need to go. And I will find peace. I will find JOY. I will be returning to this podcast time and time again. Thank you so much Isaac! I love you!
We are wounded soldiers….weary from the fight of life. Weary from the troubles that surround us. Worried about what the outcome might be and worried that we aren’t strong enough to push through it, whatever it is.
How do we find the strength, purpose, peace and clarity to push through?
I don’t have the strength.  I never have.
Where do I find strength and peace?
"In love’s service, wounded soldiers serve best.” – T. Wilder

Humility is important. PRAYER is important.
I know that it’s not trendy or popular or looked highly upon these days in pop culture to acknowledge God, but I have too. Because I don’t really care if it’s popular or not. I know that I am not wise enough, that I am not strong enough, that I am not capable of surviving all of the ups and downs of life on my own.
But sometimes there’s a deep struggle….a struggle you don’t have words for. A struggle that only quiet, a struggle that only solitude and prayers for mercy can possibly solve.
I am not strong enough to get through this, please God, have mercy on me.
“Some things you can only learn on your knees.”
Humility requires us to be on our knees.
When you do not know where to go, what to do; when you know you are failing, clarity, that only comes through humility prostrating oneself on your knees, that’s important.
“Some might say that acknowledging God is weak. Some might say acknowledging God is an excuse for not being strong enough, some way to cope, some sort of self-help. I’m proud of that humility. I’m proud of that weakness. And I’m grateful for the opportunity to see my flawed self, to see my incapacity to do life and things on my own. I’m grateful for that.” – Isaac Hanson
I wish you strength, I wish you humility and I wish you Grace that is yet Unknown.
This song came to my mind while I was listening to Isaac say that he needed God's help every day. It wasn't just in times when life was hard or when things weren't going right. He needs God every day. I do too. I love this song.
I need thee every hour
Most gracious Lord
No tender voice like thine
Can peace afford
I need thee oh I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now my Savior
I come to thee
I need thee every hour
Stay thou near by
Temptations lose their power
When thou art nigh
I need thee oh I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now my Savior
I come to thee

I need thee every hour
In joy or pain 
Come quickly and abide
Or life is vain

I need thee oh I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now my Savior
I come to thee
I need thee every hour
Most holy one
Oh make me thine indeed
Thou blessed son
I need thee oh I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now my Savior
I come to thee
Oh I need thee
I need thee
Oh bless me now my Savior
I come to thee

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