Saturday, October 8, 2016

Grace Unknown Episode 11 - Good Patterns

JUST WHAT I NEEDED!! What a good reminder and kick to the butt to get my life back on track!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ISAAC HANSON!! Your advice and just your overall way of putting things makes so much sense and makes me feel like "Yeah! I can do this!" I have a renewed sense of motivation and determination! GAH! I don't feel like I'm explaining well enough how much I needed to hear this today. Isaac you are heaven sent! I mean, seriously!? It's like you know me!! You're like my unpaid counselor who is giving me all of the advice and help I need to move forward with my life. I LOVE THESE PODCASTS!!!
Life is about good patterns. It’s about establishing good patterns in our lives and learning to repeat them. Because when we repeat those patterns over and over again, we get good at those things.
Hard work begets greatness. Hard work begets a passion.
Practice. Practice. PRACTICE. We must practice the things that we want to get good at. And it is only through practice that we get good at those things.
Establish good patterns.
What can I start doing that will be a good challenge for me? What is something I need to change? Something I can do once or twice a week? Set a reasonable goal, and work for it!
There is no reason I should hold myself back from growth.
Doing new things is what will keep my brain, body and ultimate happiness on a good track!
What new things can I bring into my life that will make me happier?
What can I do more of to improve my life?
Doing things over and over again is hard.
Find people who can help me have accountability for the things I need to do. Have the need not to fail in someone else’s eyes. I need the challenge of extra effort to achieve and make a difference in my life and possibly the life of others.
Find a way to do it. Baby steps.
Work hard. Not only for my well-being but the well-being of others.
I am unique. No one else can do your life for you.
Make good in the world.
I wish you strength. I wish you good patterns. I wish you the conviction to continue those patterns. But most of all I wish you Grace that is yet Unknown.

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