Monday, April 17, 2017

One Month!

In exactly ONE MONTH from TODAY I will be flying out to MEMPHIS and then will be on my way to TULSA, OKLAHOMA for HANSON DAY!!!
I'm soooooo nervous!! I'm excited too! I've never, ever traveled anywhere alone before. And I've only been on an airplane twice in my life (that I can remember). Airports seem so big and overwhelming to me! I'm terrible with directions! I don't know if I'll be able to navigate an airport by myself!! I'm really stressed and nervous. What if my flight is delayed? What if I get on the wrong plane? What if there's turbulence? What if they don't let me on for some reason? What if I lose my ticket? What if someone steals my luggage? AH! My brain.
But I'm also so excited for this adventure and the opportunity I have to see Hanson! To experience Hanson Day! It truly is a dream come true!!
I'm also a little worried that I will be disappointed or let down. That Hanson won't be quite what I expected. That they won't be as great as I believe they are, live. That they will be rude. I'm worried that my sister won't have a good time and won't get into it. I'm worried the weather will be really terrible. I'm sacrificing a lot for this trip: money, time, stress and anxiety (lol) and I know my sister is too. I just really want to have a good experience!
I'm stressing out way more than I should. I just need to breathe and live in the moment, come what may! This will be an adventure and a memory that I will be making with my sister, who is also my best friend, that I will remember forever! I need to be more adventurous and LIVE a little! I'm way too much of a worry-wart and I hide. I miss out on too much because I get scared. I don't want to be keep living life that way!! I hope Hanson Day will be the great adventure that I need to help me kick-start a happier, more adventurous life!
I feel like this song is perfect for my current situation, fears and doubts! One of my "anthems" in life for sure!
"Let's not go through our lives, without just DYING TO BE ALIVE, yeah!"

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