Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Anthem 3: Scream and Be Free

Scream and Be Free is NOT what I expected. At all. But ever since I took the time to listen, to really listen to this song, it's lyrics, it's became an anthem in my life.
I remember wanting to buy the Anthem album back at the beginning of 2014. I was just discovering Hanson and their music and had bought a few of their songs from itunes (Penny and Me, Deeper, Georgia, If Only and of course MMMBop). But after listening to all the little samples of Anthem I knew I wanted to actually own that album in it's entirety (eventually I ended up buying ALL of their albums, but that was at a later time). I remember searching and searching and searching EVERYWHERE for Anthem, but it was NO WHERE to be found! I checked every store that sold CD's in my area and it seemed like the world (at least my corner of the world) had forgotten about this beautiful band.
I finally just ended up buying it from Amazon. In fact, I think I bought Middle of Nowhere at the same time. All of my precious Hanson albums are with me today because of that glorious site. I love Amazon! Anyway, Anthem became my, no pun intended, anthem for the next couple of weeks. I would listen to it on repeat every single day. I loved it! The music was fresh, fun, unique and TOTALLY rockin! I remember seeing the title for "Scream and Be Free." For some reason, I hadn't really given that song much thought. I don't think I even listened to it at all since I heard the sample clip on itunes. I have no idea why! I guess it's because I was just really into Juliet, For Your Love, Lost Without You, Cut Right Through Me and Tonight. I guess I assumed a song with a title like "SCREAM and Be FREE" was certainly a party song. It was all about "Yeah! I can do whatever I want! Let your hair down, go crazy!"
Finally, one day, as I was listening to Anthem in it's entirety, "Scream and Be Free" came on. As I listened to Zac's voice, to the words he was saying, I was instantly impressed. Here was a song that was talking about life. About living YOUR life to the fullest. That we only have RIGHT NOW. To really LIVE. That we all have a story, a journey. That we should live OUR dreams, not somebody else's. After that, "Scream and Be Free" became my favorite! One I would (and still do) listen to when I felt scared about life. When I felt sad about life. When I needed a pick me up. When I needed the strength to do something that I wanted to do. When I needed to be brave.
I just want to thank Hanson (again!) for being themselves. For their music. It has inspired me and touched me in ways that I cannot even begin to truly express. I am SO thankful I found them. I am so thankful they found me. When I really needed them and their music. It helps me get through every single hard (and good!) day. I will be FOREVER a FANSON! There is no doubt in my mind. Hanson has changed my life in a way.
If I wait for summer to begin I may never begin myself
If we look to another for our dreams they may never become our own
There’s a story every girl will share and a journey every boy must take

Sing it if you know it
Scream it if you feel it
There’s nothing standing in your way
Follow along with me
Scream and be free

If you’re always living for tomorrow you’re gonna miss right now
If we’re only looking in the mirror we’ll never see ourselves
There’s a story every girl will share and a journey every boy must take
Sing it if you know it
Scream it if you feel it
There’s nothing standing in your way
Follow along with me
Scream and be free

Scream and be free

Raise your voices
Singing one more song
We will not be here for too long
Raise your voices
Singing my anthem
Make your mark before we’re un-dead

You’ve got to scream it out

Sing it if you know it
Scream it if you feel it
There’s nothing standing in your way
Follow along with me
Scream and be free

You’ve got to scream and be free

If I wait for summer to begin I may never begin 
*Every single word in the first two verses are so powerful and uplifting! That's what got to me the first time I actually listened to this song :) It was like BAM! This is a dang good song!

1 comment:

  1. I love this song!! The music and the lyrics. Very inspiring!!


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