Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hanson Valentine Merch!!!

Remember how I was freaking out about the Hanson Valentine merch back in January? Well, I caved. And I'm pretty sure it was the same day as I posted about the "battle" I was having. Not a very long fought battle that's for sure. Oh Hanson, the things you do to me! The money you so easily can take from me! And ME, giving it away.......WILLINGLY!!
Now that that's out of the way, here's what I got!
#1 Fan Travel Cup (2/6/15)
I love opening up packages from Hanson! It's like opening a present :) Funny story: When my mom picked up the package from the mail she said "It's for Jessica. From Hanson." And then my brother goes "Hanson sent her something!?" Hahaha....well, they baically did.
How considerate of them to send me two case one gets lost or something :)
The logos are so much BIGGER than I thought they'd be! I love it!!
LOVE the colors!
I loved the first part of these instructions "Great Choice." Haha, gee thanks! Glad to know I made a "great choice!"
Purple straw
White straw
Women's Mod Fit I Heart Hanson Shirt (2/9/15)
And it FITS!! And it's stylish! And beautiful! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!
TWO MORE CHOCOLATES!! I love my Hanson gear :)
As you can tell from my several photo shoots, I am in LOVE and SO HAPPY with my purchases! I am especially excited about my shirt :) I like collecting shirts of things I love. It's fun. Also, I am LOVING drinking out of my #1 Fan cup, it's great! I told myself that this cup is actually going to help me be healthier because it will encourage me to drink more water ;) So, this was really a "health" related purchase you see.
Thank you for being my Valentine this year Hanson!!

1 comment:

  1. The shirt is so beautiful!!! Congrats on your purchases, they're awesome!!


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