Thursday, May 7, 2015

Middle of Nowhere - HAPPY HANSON WEEK 2015!

In honor of the Hanson Day weekend extravaganza (coming up May 15-16th) and because May is the official Hanson month to all Fansons everywhere, I have decided to create a post a day pertaining to each Hanson studio album and Hanson in general! Let's get started!
Thursday, May 7: Remembering the 90's! Let's go back in time to when Hanson first began. The year: 1997. The Album: Middle of Nowhere. The Song: MMMBop! Listen to the MON CD, listen to MMMBop, to their hit singles (MMMBop, Where's the Love, I Will Come to You and Weird) and watch the accompanying music videos :) Ah, the 90's! Was there ever a better time?
Hanson: Middle of Nowhere - First Studio Album (May 6, 1997)
MMMBop - Single #1
Where's the Love - Single #2
This picture was just too good not to post :)
I Will Come To You - Single #3
Taylor will "reach out and take your hand"
Weird - Single #4



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