Friday, May 8, 2015

My Hanson Collection - HAPPY HANSON WEEK 2015!

Since tomorrow will be the 15 year anniversary of This Time Around, I've decided to postpone my post on the TTA album until then :) Enjoy the stories (and pictures) of all my current Hanson merchandise and the reasoning as to why I have spent so much money on Hanson, below.
I became a fan of Hanson's back around the end of 2013. I spent that time and most of 2014 getting to know Hanson. I binge watched TONS of 90's Hanson interviews and then eventually found some FUTY'S and the Cooking with Hanson Special (2010). Honestly, those latter mentioned videos played a big part in how I went from being a casual fan to a full-blown Fanson Fanatic! I was hooked from the beginning. There's something special about these guys that is just so....I don't even know the right word for it! Fun? Entertaining? Talented? Yes. Yes and YES. (*For the whole story of how I came to know Hanson and the journey I took to get to where I am now check out my 'How I Became a Fanson' story*)
I became an official fan club, card carrying member of (something I thought I would NEVER do) in November of 2014. And I haven't looked back since! I remember in the beginning of my time as a newbie member being totally obsessed with the Hnet store. I loved browsing through all their fun stuff but was hesitant to purchase anything. You know, money. It doesn't grow on trees people! But then, those sneaky Hanson brothers did something dangerous (dangerous to my wallet that is).....they released their CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE!! I went from being like "Save money, save money, save money, don't buy anything that is not absolutely essential for survival and my well being" to "SOLD! Here, take all my money!" ;) I was already on the hunt for a cheesy, fun, ugly Christmas sweater so when  I saw Hanson's "Finally, It's Christmas" sweater I knew I had to have it!
I was inspired to purchase the apron and pot holder set after watching the first "Cooking with Taylor" segment during the November live stream (remember when he made the Pumpkin Puff pastries? I attempted to make some of my own but I screwed something up big time because mine turned out NOTHING like Tay's :( They still tasted good but I'm sure if I'd made them correctly, they would have been AMAZING!). I also made Taylor's doughnuts from the Christmas live stream whilst wearing my apron and those turned out DELISH! MMMM....
I can't believe I'm posting this for all to see but here are my failed Pumpkin Puff pastries :( Soooo sad. I messed up big time! Though I do like that I cut the dough out with fall cookie cutters. I'll have to try again this year....
Eat them with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream and they aren't half bad!
These on the other hand....mmmm!
"Don't forget the doughnuts!"
I was then so in love with the "Finally, it's Christmas Live Stream" that I decided I just had to have the ornament of the same name (those Hanson's are genuine salesmen! Isaac inspired me to buy the ornament after making a reference to Aladdin while they were showing off the ornament...."*spits* Still good." Hahaha, I was laughing out loud!) Also, the picture on the ornament contains a picture of a small, old toy piano. My mom had the EXACT piano when she was younger and I have fond memories of playing with it at my grandparent's house as a young child. I even sent Isaac a PM about it AND got a reply :) Pretty sweet.
So, yes. I gave myself a lot of Christmas gifts this past holiday season :) It was fun and I don't regret a single cent I spent (say that three times fast)! I will have these gifts for a lifetime to cherish and look back on this fun time of my life where I was experiencing pure "fandamonia" for a band I had just discovered. I'm sure I will be loving them for the rest of my life! I also bought the song "Finally, it's Christmas." THAT is a GREAT song and it really helps you get into the spirit of Christmas!
That piano! Right there!! ^
I've played with that :)
The next time I had a major shopping spree on was during Valentine's Day. They released one of the most stylish Hanson shirts I had ever seen and I knew I was going to get it! The second I saw it, there really was no question about it. It's always a little risky buying clothes online, but I was extremely happy with the results. AKA it fits!
I also had to get this traveling cup. They had had a different one back when I was just a browser of the Hnet store and then it went away and I was so sad I didn't get it :( So when I saw this one, I knew it had to be MINE! I've been using it very regularly and it is great! I also got TWO FREE chocolates with each of my V-Day purchases soooo 4 in total! 2 dark and 2 milk chocolates. They were delicious :)

And my most recent purchases include the I heart Hanson cookie cutter set (that I can't WAIT to use) and renewing my membership in preparation for the Hanson Day live streams and the new EP!
Love that they included a recipe! I'll be using this one :)
All of my beautiful albums were purchased off of Lovely website Amazon is :)
Sorry about the quality of this picture....
I then added this gem of an album...
And finally this one! Can't wait to include "Inside the Box" soon!!
And there you have it! My (so far) Hanson Merchandise collection! I love all of it with a huge piece of my heart. And I'll be using most of it during the upcoming Hanson Day live streams!
The whole collection!
DRINKING out of my #1 Hanson Fan cup while....
EATING I Heart Hanson sugar cookies after.....
BAKING my I Heart Hanson cookies WEARING my Hanson apron USING my Hanson oven mitts FOLLOWING the Hanson sugar cookie recipe while.....
WEARING my I Heart Hanson shirt all leading up to.....

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