Sunday, May 10, 2015

Underneath - HAPPY HANSON WEEK 2015!

May 10:
Underneath is probably my favorite Hanson album. Strong Enough to Break is my favorite song ever. It changed me. It's what made me truly appreciate Hanson. The journey they had to take to get this record out says so much about them. Check out the Strong Enough to Break Documentary. It is so inspiring and I just feel like a proud mother watching it, hahaha. This album contains some of my favrotie Hanson songs in general.
Hanson - Underneath - Third Studio Album (April 20, 2004)
Penny & Me - Single #1
Lost Without Each Other - Single #2
In 2002 Taylor got married and had a baby! Now isn't that just the cutest!?
                                                        Awwww, the feels, the feels!!


So crazy to see how much they keep changing!!

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