Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Grateful for Hanson Challenge Day 25: The Walk

I am grateful for this beautiful song because of the message and personal meaning it has for me in my life. It is one of my all-time favorite Hanson songs. To me, it is about the walk of life. Taking chances. Being brave and going after our dreams, even if it means we might fall. The chorus gives me chills. I love the comparison to the tight rope. I even apply it to my life a bit religiously. The "tight rope" can represent a course of life. That there is only "one way." And that "one way" is following God and His plan. We must stay on the "tight rope" or "God's path." We must hold tightly to the iron rod and God's word. We may fall and get lost but we can always get back on and get back on track. But we must come to know what is right for ourselves. No one can tell us what to think or what to believe. It is personal. Just as our faith and beliefs are personal and must come from us and from truly coming to know for ourselves. I truly believe that. Sorry to get a little religious there but I have connected this song with my beliefs and my beliefs are important to me and something I am also grateful for.
Deep in a wood
Where nothing is seen
A tightrope is strung to his heel
And high on the walk
He's down on one knee
He waits for the slow of the breeze

Ooh, wow
Look at him now on his feet
High up in the sky

And every moment, extends endlessly
It feels as though time isn't moving
And every second, hold breath not to breathe
And watch as he moves to the beat

Well down on the floor
I watch from my seat
I watch as he sways with the trees
And slowly he moves
But so elegantly
I'm all on the edge of my seat

On the tightrope everything's bare
All that there is from here to there
On the tightrope the goal is quite clear
Don't lose yourself in your


Everyone waits on a walk
Some are long and some small
But all of them tall
And everyone must make a choice
Will I go for it all, and possibly fall
The tightrope is thin
I could possibly win on the walk

Well high on the walk
The tightrope it bends
And nobody knows where it ends
To win or to lose you're all on your own
'Cause everyone must be alone

On the tightrope everything's bare
All that there is from here to there
On the tightrope the goal is quite clear
Don't lose yourself in your

*I really need to do a "break down" of this song and go through each part of the song and explain my interpretation of it because it is so, so beautiful! Stay tuned!*

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