Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Year Ago Today....

Exactly one year ago today I wrote this silly post about being anxious, nervous, excited, scared and unsure about how I felt to be flying out for Hanson Day in a months time. What I would give to go back to that day!

My heart literally breaks a little bit each time I remember that I don't get to go back to Hanson Day this year. I was honestly planning on making this a new, yearly tradition. I had the BEST time of my life last year! I can't believe it was almost an entire year ago that I boarded a plane by myself and flew out to Memphis. I then made my way to Arkansas and finally to Tulsa, Oklahoma!! It was a dream come true! A check off my bucket list! It was bliss, heaven. I had never felt happier, braver, more confident, excited and proud in my life! I wish I could turn back the clock and do it again. Experience it all again for the first time.

I've been getting caught up on all Hanson related news, watching videos from BTTI and checking out all the Hanson Day events....I'm trying not to be upset but it's hard! Hanson is just too much fun and really know how to put on a show!! It was hard enough not getting to see them when they were in my home state on tour and now I'm missing out on a FREE concert and another incredible acoustic storytellers set!! I guess I will have to be satisfied watching vicariously through youtube or a hopeful livestream.

I am so grateful that I was able to go last year! I still look at my pictures and videos and smile about it all of the time! Come May, I will be hosting my own "Hanson Day" festivites from afar. I'll make my annual Hanson cookies, jam to their music, wear my t-shirts, eat some Mexican food (to remind me of that delicious Mexicali resteraunt I ate at!) and hopefully get to rock out to a virtual, streamed concert!

I just really love Hanson so much! They make me so happy and have brought me great periods of relief and a respite from many of the challenges that I face on a regular basis over the few years I have known about them.

I guess there's always next year.....

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