Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hanson Gratitude Challenge Day 15: Hanson Membership

Today I am grateful to be a Fanson because exactly one year ago TODAY I became an OFFICIAL member of! And what a momentous occasion that truly was! I remember it took me a while to decide if this was something I was really willing to go through with. After watching their November live stream and LOVING it SO MUCH and then being SO SAD I was not able to watch the "members only stream" I convinced myself that I was going to go for it! I was then having issues with my credit card and ended up being desperate enough to go ahead and use my debit card to purchase the membership! I was verrrry nervous to do that but thankfully Hnet is super secure and I never had an issue with it. I absolutely LOVE being a fanclub member! All of the fun "extra" things I get to do and experience (like members only live streams, getting to view the blog, and participate in fun poll questions, view exclusive videos and content, private messaging with the guys, have first chance at getting tickets to shows (not that I have been able to take advantage of this part yet), early pre-orders on merch and not to mention the EP with 5 brand new songs exclusively for fanclub members) is so worth the money in my opinion! Also, this is a band I love and respect so much and I want to see them be successful so contributing a little money in their behalf is fine by me! And since I'm currently single and don't have my own family to take care of and worry about, I am taking full advantage of this time to splurge on something a little "nerdy" and "selfish" for myself :) Who knows how long I will be able to afford to do this. I'm grateful that I am able too!
2014's Fanclub card and EP

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