Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Anthems for 2015

It's a brand NEW YEAR!
I really love this time of year. I love having a clean slate. A fresh start. A new beginning. 2014 was an awesome year where I discovered an amazing band who I have officially dedicated a big part of my life too. But now it's time for a NEW YEAR to begin and I'm excited about the possibilities this year brings.
 If you couldn't tell from my first post, I love music! I'm not musically talented whatsoever, the only instruments I can play are probably a tambourine and the triangle. Strictly a shower singer only. But I love the way music makes me feel. It can change my mood in an mmmbop ;) I listen to music all day, every day. It's definitely a big part of my life.
 Since music plays such a huge role in my life, I chose a couple songs that I consider to be my "Anthems" for this upcoming year. Music can motivate me more than just about anything else. I really want to embrace life and truly start living this year. Fear has had an iron grip on me for most of my life. Thoughts of self-doubt and insecurity have ruled over me. I have lived in fear for a long time and I am determined more than EVER to be FREE from this awful, claustrophobic fear. These songs fill my heart with a sense of hope, courage and confidence. They make me happy and inspire me to want to truly start living.
There is a story behind each of these incredible, life-changing songs that I will share in future posts. I can't wait for the endless possibilities the future holds! Here's to being "strong enough to break" free from fear!

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